The SC2CTL was designed as the premier, community-oriented team league. From the ground up, the league was designed for maximum participation of those involved, while not forgetting the joy that can be found from being determined as the sole winner. League seasons were long to maximize the amount of play every team gets before being eliminated.

In its later years, SC2CTL operated like a community league that might be down the street from your house; it organized fun and unique events and helped its members achieve their potential in every way it could. It was an organization that loved Starcraft.


The idea is born

While playing in the Team League organized by the "Strength in Numbers" forum (who absorbed the former FXO NA), Troy was very displeased with the organization and cohesiveness of the experience. He thought he could do better.

May 10, 2013

Version 1 Launches!

After many frantic bouts of 13-hour programming days and skipping out on handing in University assignments and quizzes, Version 1 of the site is ready to launch! The inaugural reddit post is met with a relatively tepid response.

June 30th, 2013

Das Keyboard Sponsors SC2CTL Season 1!

In a fantastic sponsor pickup for a small, new league, SC2CTL picks up Das Keyboard as a sponsor. Das offers up 5 mechanical keyboards to the winning team along with a selection of swag items for the lower leagues. the reddit thread gets a lot of attention and SC2CTL has 80 teams register.

July 11, 2013

WingnutSC and Gallagation join the team

WingnutSC and Gallagation join the SC2CTL team as casters-in-chief. In a partnership made in heaven the duo would go on to cast over 50 matches totalling hundreds of hours of game time.

July 13, 2013

The S1 finals are cast in a show with casters live at Michigan University

In an absolutely incredible finals we see Team Gravity take on the favourites to win YOUNGMONEYCASHMONEYBILLIONAIRES. Players like Hendralisk and MaSa are fielded against some up-and-coming American players.

September 22, 2013

Youmacon 2013

SC2CTL hosts the Starcraft 2 tournament at Youmacon detroit.

November 2, 2013

SC2CTL hosts the largest Dogecoin showmatch ever!

Through some incredible community generosity SC2CTL raises over a million dogecoins for a showmatch between Clarity and SEED. Just after the showmatch, these cryptocoins were worth well over two thousand USD.

January 7, 2014

Season 2 is announced, MYTHLOGIC joins as a sponsor

Continuing a strong one-two punch, 2014 continues with SC2CTL Season 2. MYTHLOGIC joins on as a sponsor, offering over $1100 in prizes, giveaways and support. WignutSC and Gallagation reprise their roles as lead casters. Over 100 teams register in the league, making SC2CTL the largest Team League in the world by enrollment two years running. Also announced are some interesting new prize awards including The Bellcurve Award and CombatEXTreme.

March 25, 2014

Grubby and iNcontroL guest cast on the Season 2 Finals

SC2CTL hits its highest peak stream viewership of over 3000 sustained viewers as Grubby and iNcontroL join on to guest cast the Season 2 finals. MicroGamerZ takes on Miraculous Gaming in a fantastic series.

June 28, 2014

Youmacon 2014

The team is back for another year of hosting Youmacon pulling in the likes of Winter and DesRow

November 3, 2014

SC2CTL Jeopardy

In an extreme change of pace, SC2CTL hosted the first Starcraft 2 game show, in a Jeopardy-style format.

March 3, 2015

Jeopardy episode 11 is last episode of regular broadcast

In a post on his blog Troy outlines the plan for Starcraft Jeopardy, moving from a regular occurrence to an occasional special event.

June 6, 2015

Youmacon 2015

For yet another year, the team hosts Youmacon Detroit

October 30, 2015

Starcraft Jeopardy Live Episode

Starcraft Jeopardy was invited to perform a live episode at the tournament Kings of the North the first episode here.

Mar 19, 2016

SC2CTL is done now, but Troy Pavlek is still doing lots!

Troy Pavlek

I make stuff and lose elections

© Troy Pavlek