This is an irony post. I was looking at my blog stats today, and saw the absolutely pitiful readership - I know why it is, because I don't have any good content, and any time there's moderately useful content I fail to advertise it in any substantial way - but that's not the point. See, I developed a theory in it all, by googling how to get more readers on your blog.

My established theory is this: blogging about how to get readers on your blog is directly proportional to the number of readers on your blog. Graphed, it looks a little something like this.

After drawing that up in GIMP, I realized what a great science-guy I am, but there's something that still doesn't add up. There are a few popular blogs on the internet that don't blog about how to get more readers on their blog. So there must be another key to success that I'm missing. I had to do some more research.

It took a while and a lot of browsing (and breaks for porn), but I found the other aspect of secret sauce to success on the internet, again graphed below:

What to do, and what not to do, all in one graph.

Thanks, Gawker.